LAX Night Files – summary

The LAX Night Files was a small trip with the intentions of doing F31/Infiniti centric goals in the evening or late night.

I would try and incorporate the Wandering Leopard mascot in places I felt were interesting. Even with planning, there wasn’t always success.


My time was cut by 2 days. The plan was suppose to be in Los Angeles for the whole week. But I was scheduled to work the coming Thursday, so I had to leave by Wednesday night. So this shortened my trip. This was also during the week, so I know people had work and family responsibilities.

While I was able to meet up with Edrik and Roger V.

I was hoping to others if possible. I wasn’t able to meet up with my cousin Sid, I wasn’t able to meet up with Koji and others in the area (@ozzy_74). Timing and scheduling wasn’t in my favor.

I was also trying to hit 6 Infiniti Dealerships (Thousand Oaks, Van Nuys, Glendale, Metro, Tustin and Orange Coast), but was only able to accomplish 2, Glendale and Tustin.

The other spots I was trying to get pictures at were Stillen and Body Kit Depot (Wings West). That didn’t happen either

While I did hit Hollywood, The Marathon Store and Universal Studios, these were the places (besides Marathon store) that were planned.

Even with the shortcomings, I know the next trip I can set it up to be better with schedule and communications. I was trying to make this family trip to have a bit more and while it didn’t fully work out, it gives me more reason to come back soon.