I recently got in touch with Mrdatsunturbo from Norway. Yans was able to leave a post on a forum and we got reconnected.
So I asked a few questions.
1. can you tell me what got you into the M30? How did you come about your M30 (because your in Europe!)?
Heard about it from owner of a Nissan workshop ,looked at it an buyed it. Imported into Norway by same person to use as a daily car.
2. How did you feel about it and was there something that really attracted you to it?
M30 a nice looking car and a car not everybody owns.
3. What was your goals when you bought your M30? Are they still prevalent today?
After driving M30 some months ,my goals was turbo,manual transmission and some better seats. Goals is still there.
4. Are you still into the car scene today?
Still into car scene.
5. Any particular reason why you sold your M30? Is it still around? (situation that changed it).
I am still the owner.
6. How hard was it finding parts and what did you do to overcome those situations?
Buying parts from USA.
7. When we were building F31club, how and what did you feel about the group/scene/website?
F31 club I visited every day and liked it very much.
8. In your current situation, would you still meet with M30 or Leopard owners given the opportunity?
Yes sometime the car is on some meets here in Norway.
9. How many M30s do you know or remember in your country?
Some years back there was 3 M30 in Norway.