Original post was here, Leopards in Oceania. It documented F31s of Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania. Some of the original owners of these rare cars have moved on. I was fortunate to reconnect with a few of them and even get updates.
I was able to reconnect with Are31 (Carl). Carl picked up Alex (Yotis)’s Leopard, then eventually sold it. During the time he was into Leopards, he saw a white Zenki F31 and took pictures of it. (This is documented in the article aforementioned).
I wouldn’t have reconnected with him if it wasn’t for Chris. S. Interestingly enough, Chris S. owns that white Zenki F31 that Carl took pictures of years ago. (I’ll get to that in a minute).
When I reconnected with Carl, I had tons of questions to ask. Most importantly, he gave me a gem of information. He told me how many Leopards were imported to Australia. The shop that he was going to was the source for this information. At that time, 11 Nissan Leopards were imported.
As an update, I was able to track down the Leopard that Alex and Carl owned. It was only easy to spot because of the license plate. Many people didn’t know the history on the facebook M30 page, because many of them didn’t know Alex and Carl and that both had customized plates. Originally “L3pard” and then “MyF31”.
Currently James H. owns this Leopard. He said that it needs some fixing.
When Carl owned it in 2009
I honestly don’t how many hands it has passed through, but it eventually fell into James’ ownership.
Current as of 2016:
Going back to the White Zenki. Carl talked to the owner and told him about F31club. He never signed on. I was kinda surprised when I asked Chris about his Leopard and he talked about Carl and I asked him to connect me!
Chris picked up the White Zenki leopard. This was at some point a Carshop Friend customer’s car (at least I think it was based on a banner and bag CSF sells). Chris posted pictures of him taking out the engine and the front suspension. Since he is a Skyline person, he has extra Skyline parts that he swapped over.
In 2009
Current as of 2016:
In 2017, I connected with Brodie C. He has picked up 2 leopards!!! He saw my post on the Leopards and said he had picked up the Blue zenki with the missing rear glass (as seen in the Leopards in Oceania article). When I found the post and pictures of the Blue Zenki, it was going to be a drift car. They had stripped it, reinforced with more welds and swapped in an SR20DET. Suddenly the pictures end and there was talk of selling it. Then it disappeared until Brodie told me he had it. He said it was a full restoration, I had no idea!
hardtuned forums, 2013
Additionally, he picked up a Kouki F31 Leopard. The previous owner was messaging me about information. He said the ECU smelt burnt. I was relaying info to his friend who was working on the car, Simon.
Then Brodie posted pictures and Simon confirmed that his friend had sold it.
The last F31 leopard I had gotten information about was in New Zealand. Troy M. picked up an Kouki Leopard and was looking for parts. We talked briefly about some of the issues. I believe it is not running and he has in storage.
These are the current Leopards I have been able to document as of 2018. I thank Chris, Carl, Brodie and Troy for filling me in.
I know these leopard are in need of a parts, We should start to work towards that.
A couple of the F31s have changed hands again and I was told the stripped zenki leopard might have been crushed.