RADwood/HooptieCon at Sonoma Raceway has arrived. I didn’t participate in last years, but I did participate (1st time in a carshow) in San Francisco.
RADwood’s theme of 80s/90s era cars was a great premise to join, but what I learned when I went to RADwood Norcal was that the environment was unlike no other. It was for the most part about the era, so the dress and the attitudes were awesome.
My values and beliefs as a car person is at the most being purist and at the least, be an enthusiasts of the car you have. I love bought my car because it is a car I enjoy, not because of trends.
RADwood has many enthusiasts as such. This is evident by the cars that are pretty much stock!
Anyways. I decided last minute to register because I wasn’t sure if I had time to prep my car and the weather was suppose to be rainy. Couple days before the event, I decided to do it.
As I’ve mentioned in my RADwood posts, this is the platform for my car and the car show I HAVE TO SUPPORT.
I stayed up the next two nights trying to prep my M30. A piece of plastic/debris on the freeway was kicked up by a car in front of me and hit my bumper. It made some scuffs and hit my license plate holder which cracked where it was mounted. DAMN IT.
Bumper was fixed and I was trying to get my sides skirts done, but it didn’t cure fast enough.
- sides didn’t get done.
I woke up early, 5:30, and put on my bumper and reinstalled my headlights and cleaned my car.
I started to head toward Sonoma Raceway.
It was a rainy trek there and it got worse the closer I got. Once I got there and checked in, I followed the signs to an elevated area that was overlooking the track. Once I got to the lot, I saw an R32 Skyline and Z32 TT parked. I was hoping to park next to them (just to keep it Nissan) and sure enough I was!
It was RAINING, WINDY, COLD AND MUDDY (with clay at that!).
This is why the car show rocked. You had nice cars out in the mud, rain and cold!!!
Many cars started to roll in and park. Random order, cars were arriving and leaving throughout the morning. I talked with quite a few people.
- Some awesome
- SC LE !
- The perfect set up!!
- One of my favorites!
- One of my favorites!
- super clean!!!
- 2WD and 4WD
- Beams swap
- All-trac
- 5 spd
The last pictures were at the “anything else car show”, but it looked like the Gambler 500 cars met here also.
Conclusion – even with the weather and ground conditions, it was awesome and … dare I say…”RAD”. I left before the lap around the track, but I had to do some errands as I typically don’t have Saturdays off, I wanted to spend time with my family.