I had tons of plans for the vert once I got my hands on it. It has been sitting at my parent’s house in Washington state for the last several months.
I have been eagerly wanting to drive this car. Knowing that I would have to drive it from Olympia to Vancouver BC, I knew if time permitted, I’d have to stop by Jim. Luckily, Albert was there too!
Albert and I usually either text or email. But to finally meet him was awesome. He’s represented F31s for a long time and even had a very active blog: Red Gorillaz
I came up on the blog awhile back and enjoyed it because it has tons of drift action and M30s! Plus it was in the PNW. When I was living there and had my black M30, I was the only one around with the F31.
Well, it was a busy day as I arrived on time, but the traffic to Olympia was horrific! It put delayed my timeline by 2 hours. But the main thing was I was able to meet with Jim and Albert and took some pictures.
The conversations were great! His white M30… super clean!! It is always cool hanging with Jim and he got us to a spot to take pictures.
I am planning another trip where I go up there and bring the M30 back down from Canada. I will probably stop by with them and have dinner.
Jim and Albert… thanks guys!!!! Let’s do this again!!