COVID19 Projects – Old School electronics

It started with getting some of the Pivot items. I got a Pivot KM reader and turbo timer. I was looking for the mini shift lamp (in which I got one, but not Pivot). Then I saw the Pivot push button ignition… I had to have that.

Now I also got a few HKS piggyback computer items. Nowadays the ECUs and technology are way better, but I honestly got these for that old school aesthetics. It has crossed my mind of using these if I could. But even finding the manuals for some of these have turned up with nothing.

The boost stuff is what I would really want to use, especially that Scramble Boost! While the other components such as the VPC and AIC, those will probably just be part of the collection and for looks. I am usually against that type of display… but I have to admit, getting these HKS stuff is cool.

Then I came up on some old school HKS stuff!!!

These 3 components, Scramble boost with TRIG button (Overboost button), Electronic Valve Controller (Boost Controller) and even a HKS Turbo Timer, I decided I had to have it.


When I started researching them, I was able to get 2 more components: Vein Pressure Controller and Graphic Control Computer. I think these 2 are dependent on having the actual HKS computer system, F-Con.


Then my friend Chris offered me the Additional Injector Controller:

random picture of AIC

The one I really want is this: Injector Pulse Monitor:

Another item I picked up was the M’s AFR resetter


I honestly want to see how they all look at night! LOL. I love nostalgic tech!!