I unfortunately had to come to the PNW because my dad has passed away. While going through the process and to ease my mind, I had to be positive while grieving. I had families coming to up and I wanted to help with my healing. These guys offered their time and I was happy talk to everyone and next time, we shall do better.
I was suppose to meet with Orion (in Tacoma) but timing didn’t work out. Same with Jim P and Albert. Thank you guys! Next time, I’ll see you guys.
I did meet with Tuan. He is a former vert owner. We met at Tacoma Mall and he brought his Kei truck!
Tuan (Tuanies on the forums) old vert pix.
Later that week, I took my wife and kids to Seattle. My wife wanted to visit her old work in down town. We stopped by Westlake Shopping center.
Matt (Zoltecrules on the forums) and I reconnected a couple years back and he told me he had moved to Seattle. I messaged him and he said he could meet me in Ballard/Fremont area of North Seattle.
We met up and walked around the area and had coffee. We’ve known each other for 15yrs online, but this was the first time meeting in person.
Matt’s old M30
While it was a hard time, my friends really helped me go through it and for that you guys… Thank you.