Having a Previa and being connected to the people that love them leads everyone to a few well known names in the community.
One place and name that is attached is Samay of Garage Tuner Automotive. He is a true Previa enthusiast and has been a proponent of keeping them on the road.
Over the last couple of years , I have picked up some bits of info from him, but not only that, I’ve gotten a tremendous amount of respect for him because he is that helpful!
I knew that if I ever was in the area, I would have to visit his shop!
When I decided to the Emerald City Prowl, I had to visit. It is one of the constructs of Wandering Leopard trips, visit shops I have huge amount of respect for (F31 related or not).
I know Samay is busy and he often travels a lot, so I messaged him ahead of time to give him a heads up. When I was finally nearby, I called him and he said I could stop by. I didn’t want to talk too much of his time as he wanted to get going too.
Upon arriving to his shop, Previas were out front, It was pretty cool.
One of the coolest ideas that Samay had posted was the extended Previa Limo.
While these were cool to see, just in the short amount of time, Samay gave me soo much information and tips on Previas… it blew my mind! I learned a lot that day. He mentioned to me that Corey (another well known name in the Previa community) came to his shop and learned for about a week.
I can see that happening has he has so much knowledge to share!
He also has a ton of parts to last a life time for Previas multiple times over!!!
I asked my son to take a picture of Samay and I, and he only took one…. and unfortunately, it looks like Jacob took it without us being ready. It is my only evidence that I met with Samay, so it is what it is!
Thank you for your time Samay!!!