A month ago, I started to take apart the driver side door card. This one had glass shattered all over it. Honestly, I’ve never done this. I’ve replaced door cards straight out, but never broken one down.
There were a ton of screws in the back, so I had to mark all of them to make sure I put them all back. Once you take out the screws, the door car becomes 2 pieces. The cloth portion is glued to the card, so you can’t take it off so easily (I didn’t).
I did a quick vacuum and it became an unfinished project for a minute. LOL.
A month later (now), I had the Sunday off, so I decided to get it done. I cleaned the back a bit as it was really dirty. Sprayed it and gave it a good scrubbing.
Speaker cover was beat, so I straightened it out, sanded it down, primer, painted and clear coated.
After cleaning the cloth part a bit more with Resolve, I put the card back together.
I then started to work on the passenger side.
Definitely happy to get it done after being so lazy with it. I’m gonna finish the rear quarter cards tomorrow. Those aren’t too bad, but its about getting them done.
I’ve been slacking on the seats… I was planning on going to a detail shop, but after last time with the headliner and carpet… I’ve decided to save the money and do it myself.
To be continued….