JCCS is an event that I feel is one of the best on the West Coast for 90s and below Japanese cars. A few homies participated.
I arrived Friday Night after driving from the Bay area (6hrs). I was my 1st time driving my M30 lowered and with the body kit. So I was nervous. I arrived at Infinite Auto Design and started working on my door panels and moulding.
They were painted and I used 2k clear on them, but it was orange peely… so I was wet sanding them + hand buffing. Slept for 2 hours and woke up and met with Barcelo.na6.blue before heading to JCCS.
JCCS is split in different sections. The Nissans that are not the popular ones or mainstream, are the Nissan Neos. That is where I was, along with the other M30s and Z31s and a few JDM cars like Figaro, Pao, Y32 and Y33 Ced/Glo and a Rasheen!
The cool thing is, we are
Anyways, back to head to JCCS, it was a quick 15min trip in the morning. It was cloudy and I thought it was gonna be like that all day.
- SPsignworks
- Barcelo.NA6.Blue
As I was lining up to enter the parking area, STEVE POV hit me up!!!
I was excited because Steve is pretty big in Japan and I know my Japanese brothers watch him! I also felt my car was naked as I still needed to put on the wing and door panels (which I was telling him). Nonetheless, it was cool to be seen on his video!
I spent all morning trying to clean up my car a bit, but after driving all day yesterday and working on the car all night… I just everything on and just talked to anyone that came by.
It wasn’t until later I started to go around and snap shots… EVERY CAR WAS SUPER COOL.
JCCS is always a cool event in my honest opinion.
I’ve had a lot of great conversations during the event with people checking out the cars and with other participants.
A few questions stood out.
- When do you know you are ready to show your car? I honestly never feel ready to show my car, but I do it for the fun of it.
- Do you think you will win? I personally don’t think I would win and I NEVER expect to win.
Going off that last question and going back to what I said, I had a few conversations about entering shows. I PERSONALLY, enter shows for the hell of it. I don’t care if I win or not. There are tons of award worthy cars and sometimes the judging criteria is different. But I only participate just to have fun and enjoy myself.