Arrival to Paris

After a long flight on Air France, we arrived at CDG airport. This is Northeast of Paris and about 45 minute drive.

We were finally in Paris!!!


We didn’t know the train system yet, so we asked got on the bus and bought tickets.


As we were leaving, there was a display of the Concorde.

We took the bus to I believe Opera Metro station, which is where we jumped on the Metro 1, then to Metro 8 towards our hotel.


We got something to eat while trying to find our hotel’s direction. The guy Jasmin is talking to helped out so much. He actually stepped out, hotspot his phone so I can use maps really quick and figure it out! Such a great person!


Once we got to our spot, we checked it and got everything situated.


Pretty small elevator!


Then it was time to get some crepes and go walking!


Rock Fences Ireland 2009

As we were driving throughout Ireland, I noticed that rural areas had many rock fences.

I was simply amazed and when I saw an older gentleman building one, I stopped and asked him.

He probably was weirded out by it, but he could tell I am OBVIOUSLY not from Ireland.

Nonetheless, it is really interesting to see people use their natural and local resources to make something.


Cliffs of Moher, Ireland 2009

I was amazed to see the Cliffs of Moher. It is pretty cool and scary to be on the edge of these cliffs. It was super windy that day, but again, it is majestic. Our family lived in Bray, which is south of Dublin on the East of Ireland.

Cliffs of Moher are on the west. We drove the Opel Zafira. It was a 4hr ride on the M7 highway.


The Spire of Dublin 2009

When we finally spent a day in Dublin, one of the things you will see is the Spire of Dublin or Monument of Light. ItsĀ  a really tall Steel Spike. When I arrived to it, some of the local people there had inappropriate names for it LOL. None of my business. It is pretty nice though and I took pictures of it from a distance to upclose.