47 Ronin Gravesite

I had waken up earlier to pack a few things and map out where to go.

I wanted to visit the Sengaku-ji Temple. This is the place where the 47 Ronin and their master are buried. If you don’t know the history of the 47 Ronin, it is about loyalty and gruesome revenge.

47 Ronin history

We arrived and Sengaku-ji Station and walked about a block to the temple. I took time to read many of the signs. It was really interesting.



Pokemon Festival

So after Satoshi-san dropped us off, I was going to take Jacob to Pokemon Center. Earlier when Satoshi-san picked us up, we saw a few Pikachu around.

Well, there was a LONG line at the Pokemon Center. But it was also a Pikachu Festival!!!

Near the water was a Pokemon show, tons of stuff!


Aqua City Odaiba

After a journey on the Yurikamome Line, we reached Aqua City. It was busy and the places I wanted to hit up had lines!!!

Something was going on at the Fuji TV building as there was a large crowd.

Aqua city itself was packed.

There was a Shonen Jump celebration also going on!!!



Shinkansen Festival

While we were eating, the convention center next to us had something going on. It had to do with trains as I saw tons of stuff for sale. So we checked out and ended up spend 2 hours there!

1st floor had mostly merchandise and some rides.

Rides needed tickets. You had to purchase on the 2nd floor. When we got there, there were tons of control trains and stuff. Too cool.


Jacob was even shown how to operate a train!




This was my first time REALLY exploring Akihabara!

Some of the stores opened up at 11:30, so we kept exploring.

We came upon Tam Tam and it was open. In retrospect, it was a good store. It had tons of car models. I figure there would be other places offering, but there wasn’t as much.

I also didn’t find another place that had tons of Tomica Vintage Limited Neo cars.. This place had a huge selection!!!


The more I looked, the more I saw and it was amazing.



We ate at a small Japanese food truck spot!


There was a Shinkansen festival, but I will make an individual post for that. After that, I saw Mandarake’s store and we went to go check it out!