Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower)

It must have been in the cards that night. We weren’t planning to visit our first night, but the night was clear (even though chilly) and we were there.

Upon arrival, the Eiffel was sparkling (which I think it does every hour) and we went to the front entrance at the base.

A quick security check and we were inside. My wife wanted to go up and quickly found out we have a few hours before close… so we lined up.


It was still busy and we got to the first floor (first level of Eiffel Tower), then took another elevator to Sommet (to the top).


Got outside and WOW… amazing!!!


It is a 360 view of Paris


When they started to close for the evening, we got on the lower level and started to do some shopping.

Afterwards, when we got out, we took more pictures.

The Louvre Pyramids

After walking along the Seine, we came upon the Louvre pyramids. Tons of people taking pictures and enjoying it.

It was cold though, but we still made the most of being there. We would eventually come back and see the Museum itself.


As I mentioned it was cold and the Eiffel Tower was still relatively distant. We opt’d to get on this well light pedicab that was blasting EDM.

As he was talking us to the Eiffel Tower, he took us around, kinda like a small tour of the area. Very cool guy!

Arrival to Paris

After a long flight on Air France, we arrived at CDG airport. This is Northeast of Paris and about 45 minute drive.

We were finally in Paris!!!


We didn’t know the train system yet, so we asked got on the bus and bought tickets.


As we were leaving, there was a display of the Concorde.

We took the bus to I believe Opera Metro station, which is where we jumped on the Metro 1, then to Metro 8 towards our hotel.


We got something to eat while trying to find our hotel’s direction. The guy Jasmin is talking to helped out so much. He actually stepped out, hotspot his phone so I can use maps really quick and figure it out! Such a great person!


Once we got to our spot, we checked it and got everything situated.


Pretty small elevator!


Then it was time to get some crepes and go walking!