Palace of Versailles and Gardens


The Palace of Versailles is huge!!!  I learned a few tips from a Jay Swanson’s Youtube videos. (


  • Huge lines (to the point we decided not to go inside the Palace).
  • Garden is massively huge, and free
  • But Fountains are off during certain months/times
  • While it was gorgeous, it felt like a waste to go there
  • Market on certain days, definitely worth checking out.


After getting off the RER, we ate a cafe right next to Starbucks.

We then walked down the street to the front of the Palace of Versailles. Immediately, you can see the line. Not to mention more than 60 tourist buses!


We planned to come here on Sunday, because the market up the street is well known.  So we decided to go there before attempting to go inside the Palace of Versailles.


Marche’Notre-Dame Market


After going to the market, we came back to an even longer line that zigged zagged. I went up to one of the staff members and said we had a Paris Pass and she said to fall in line.

I just took pictures of the gate. I didn’t want to wait for an hour to get in.


Since this was already in the late morning, we decided to see the Garden behind the Palace. The Garden is HUGE and can be a whole day exploring and enjoy itself. The views were spectacular.

Jay noted in one of his videos that the Fountains are not always on… this was true on our trip.


As I said in my tips, it didn’t seem worth the time (unless you plan a day out here) to come out here. I wasn’t fully disappointed because I enjoyed the gardens and market.

RER C – To Palace of Versailles

From our place in Strasbourg- Saint Denis, we jumped on the Metro 8 to reach the Invalides station. This is where you jump on the RER C (trains that go outside of inner Paris).

We took some stairs and got to the RER part of the station (different hall and platforms).


The RER trains are 2 level compared to the metro (at least the metros we used on this trip).

Monitor tells you want train has arrived its destination as well as the next trains and destinations with times.


RER train with upper and lower levels.


If you can see on the far bottom left of the station map, our stop was going to be Versailles – Chateau/ Rive-Gauche stop.


A good 45 minute ride (if that) and we are here.
